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IS-IS watcher. Tracking IS-IS topology changes in Real-Time#

IS-IS watcher containerlab

This lab consists of 6 FRR routers and a single IS-IS Watcher. Each router is pre-configured to be part of an IS-IS domain with different network types. Any topology changes detected by the IS-IS Watcher are logged in the file watcher/watcher.log. The logging capabilities can be enhanced with tools like ELK or Topolograph, enabling features such as searching changes by time and exporting data to message brokers, Zabbix, and more. For further details, refer to the Links page.

IS-IS Topology Watcher#

IS-IS Watcher is a monitoring tool of IS-IS topology changes for network engineers. It works via passively listening to IS-IS control plane messages through a specially established IS-IS adjacency between IS-IS Watcher and one of the network device. It assists in analyzing incidents by determining the precise time and location of events, as well as their distribution across the network in a retrospective manner.

Detected network events#

  • IS-IS neighbor adjacency Up/Down
  • IS-IS link cost changes
  • IS-IS networks appearance/disappearance from the topology
  • IS-IS TE attributes:
  • Administrative Group (color, resource class)
  • Maximum Link Bandwidth
  • Maximum Reservable Link Bandwidth
  • Unreserved Bandwidth
  • Traffic Engineering Default Metric

Supported IS-IS TLV#

TLV name TLV subTLV
IS Reachability 2
Extended IS Reachability (new) 22 3,6,8,9,10,11,12,13,18
IPv4 Internal Reachability (old) 128
IPv4 External Reachability (old) 130
Extended IPv4 Reachability (new) 135
IPv6 Reachability 236


  1. Install containerlab.
  2. Run the script to prepare environment:

  3. Start the lab

    sudo clab deploy --topo frr01.clab.yml
  4. Check that Watcher is ready (usually it requires 10-15sec to be ready). Proceed to the next step once Watcher is ready.

    sudo docker logs clab-frr01-isis-watcher

    Expected output:

    lsdb_output:Area lab:
    IS-IS Level-1 link-state database:
    LSP ID                  PduLen  SeqNumber   Chksum  Holdtime  ATT/P/OL
    0100.1001.0001.00-00 *    222   0x00000002  0x9611    1144    1/0/0
    Protocols Supp
    ISIS LSDB has been received
    Sniffing packets on interface: eth1
  5. Start watching logs

    sudo tail -f watcher/watcher.log
  6. Change IS-IS settings on lab' routers. Connect to a router in another terminal

    sudo docker exec -it clab-frr01-router6 vtysh

    Change metric on the interface

    router6# conf t
    router6(config)# int eth1
    router6(config-if)# isis metric 66

    Add new stub network

    router6(config-if)# ip address

    Remove another one

    router6(config-if)# no ip address 3ffe::192:168:36:6/127

    Change unreserve bandwidth TE attribute on a link

    router6(config-if)# link-params
    router6(config-link-params)# unrsv-bw 1 9+06

    assign admin group on a link

    router6(config-link-params)# admin-grp 0xaa

    Shutdown adjancency

    router6(config-if)# shutdown

IS-IS Watcher logs location#

Available under watcher folder. To see them:

sudo tail -f watcher/watcher.log

Logs sample 1#

  • 2023-01-01T00:00:00Z - event timestamp
  • demo-watcher - name of watcher
  • 1 - IS-IS level
  • host - event name: host, network, metric, temetric
  • 0200.1001.0002 - event object. Watcher detected an event related to 0200.1001.0002 host
  • down - event status: down, up, changed
  • 0200.1001.0003 - event detected by this node.
  • 01Jan2023_00h00m00s_7_hosts - name of graph in Topolograph dashboard
  • 49.0002 - area number
  • 12345 - AS number
  • - Local IP address of detected node 0200.1001.0003 (available in 2.0.15)
  • - Remote IP address relative to the detected node 0200.1001.0003 (available in 2.0.16) Summary: 0200.1001.0003 on the interface with IP address detected that 0200.1001.0002 host went down at 2023-01-01T00:00:00Z in IS-IS level 1 in area 49.0002 in AS 12345

Logs sample 2#

  • 2023-01-01T00:00:00Z - event timestamp
  • isis-watcher - name of watcher
  • 2 - IS-IS level
  • metric - event name: host, network, metric, temetric
  • 4ffe::192:168:23:2/127 - event object. Watcher detected an event related to 4ffe::192:168:23:2/127` subnet
  • changed - event status: down, up, changed
  • 10 - old cost
  • 12 - new cost
  • 0200.1001.0002 - event detected by this node.
  • stub - subnet type
  • 0200.1001.0002 - since it's a stub network it has router id of terminated node.
  • 01Jan2023_00h00m00s_7_hosts - name of graph in Topolograph dashboard
  • 49.0002 - area number
  • 12345 - AS number
  • external - subnet type internal|external
  • 1 - subnet ext type 1|2. 0 for internal subnets Summary: 0200.1001.0002 detected that metric of 4ffe::192:168:23:2/127 stub network changed from 10 to 12 at 2023-01-01T00:00:00Z in IS-IS level 2

Logs sample 3. TE#

  • 2023-01-01T00:00:00Z - event timestamp
  • demo-watcher - name of watcher
  • 1 - IS-IS level
  • temetric - event name: host, network, metric, temetric
  • 0200.1001.0002 - event object. Watcher detected an event related to 0200.1001.0002 host
  • changed - event status: down, up, changed
  • 0_17_19_20_21_22_26_29_30 - 0, 17, 19, 20, 21, 22, 26, 29, 30 admin groups
  • 1000000000 - Maximum Link Bandwidth (Sub-TLV 9) bits per sec
  • 1000000000 - Maximum Reservable Link Bandwidth (Sub-TLV 10) bits per sec
  • 1000000008_1000000016_1000000024_1000000032_1000000040_1000000048_1000000056 - Unreserved Bandwidth (Sub-TLV 11) for priority 0,..7 bits per sec
  • 11223344 - Traffic Engineering Default Metric (Sub-TLV 18)
  • 0200.1001.0003 - event detected by this node.
  • 01Jan2023_00h00m00s_7_hosts - name of graph in Topolograph dashboard
  • 49.0002 - area number
  • 12345 - AS number
  • - Local IP address of detected node 0200.1001.0003 (available in 2.0.15)
  • - Remote IP address relative to the detected node 0200.1001.0003 (available in 2.0.16)

Note log file should have systemd-network:systemd-journal ownership