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Cumulus 5.x EVPN VXLAN BGP fabric

Description Cumulus Linux VX with leaf and spine topology
Components Cumulus Linux
Resource requirements1 4
5 GB
Topology file topo.clab.yml
Name cvx05
Version information2 cvx:5.3.0 Docker version 25.0.3, build 4debf41


The lab consists of Cumulus Linux 5.3 fabric composed of 2 borders, 2 spines and 2 leafs. The topology demonstrate a EVPN VXLAN BGP configuration. The topology is additionally equipped with a Linux container connected to leaves to facilitate use cases which require access side emulation.


The custom docker image need to be built locally before running the deployment

docker build \
--force-rm=true \
-t cx_ebtables:5.3.0 \
-f cx_ebtables.Dockerfile .

All nodes have been provided with a startup configuration and should come up with all their interfaces fully configured.

Once the lab is started, the nodes will be able to ping each other on their vlan interfaces:

# ping leaf interface
root@border-1:/# ping
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=0.262 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=64 time=0.256 ms
--- ping statistics ---
2 packets transmitted, 2 received, 0% packet loss, time 34ms

Logs of the NVUE process are placed in /root/nvue.log.

Use cases#

  • Demonstrate how a cvx can run with a EVPN VXLAN BGP fabric
  • Demonstrate Cumulus Linux Leaf and spine with NVUE configuration (introduced in version 5.X)
  • Verify vlan trunking and access on connected host to a leaf

  1. Resource requirements are provisional. Consult with the installation guides for additional information. 

  2. The lab has been validated using these versions of the required tools/components. Using versions other than stated might lead to a non-operational setup process.